Saturday, 10 December 2016

The tomato is the edible, red fruit of Solanum lycopersicum, which belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae


100 g of tomatoes contain :

                                           calories                       18 k cal

                                          total fat                        0.2 g

                                          carbohydrate              3.9 g  

                                          protein                        0.9 g

      and also vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium.


STEP 1 :

        Buy small tomato plants by nearby nursery or purchase tomato seeds and germinate them. While selecting the variety, easy-to-grow variety must be chosen or recommended. Options include better boy, big boy, early girl, brandy wine, celebrity, lemon boy or just about any cherry or grape tomato variety. The names might sound funny, but they are the best while considered gardening. It got such cute variety names !!!

STEP 2 :

        Choose a sunny spot for planting the tomato plant. Tomatoes need lot of warm sunshine for optimum taste. It must receive 7 hours or more sun daily. It loves sun very much.... !!!

STEP 3 :

         Add lot of well rotted compost to the garden soil. Tomatoes demand a growing medium rich in organic matter. It is proud to be very organic !!!

STEP 4 :

        Transplant the tomato plant deeply into the garden soil. Bury about 50-75% of the plant. It's okay to bury some of its lower leaves. New roots will emerge along the buried stem, giving the plant a development boost, a new transplant need to focus on root production. 

STEP 5 :

            Water within 10 minutes of transplanting. Give the plant 1 gallon of warm water [27*C] within 10 minutes of transplanting to avoid transplant shock.



1. Water after the first 7-10 days. ; 2. After 1-2 week, surround the plant with a mulch of straw, dried grass or pine needles. This should control weeds and keep the soil moist during dry weather. ; 3. Consider using a tomato cage or a tall stake to support the tomato vine. ; 4. Shake your plant poles or cages gently once or twice each week - flowering begins to promote pollination.




1. Watch the fruit to appear 45-90 days after transplanting. ; 2. Fruits may be picked any time after it starts changing to its ripe colour. Its is recommended to place in a sunny window place to reduce the chances of it rotting on the vine or being eaten by a bird or squirrel ; 3. Once attained the desired ripeness, have the fruit.

                  ENJOY TOMATO GROWING AND EATING !!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Nimisha for your information .... It makes everyone encouraging to grow tomatoes in their home .
